Call Us 076 700 8600

Free delivery on order over 10000 LKR

Low Impact

Our main line of Todos retail clothing is made from biodegradable fabrics such as Linen and Cotton, which are breathable, durable, able to stand at least 30 washes easily and are some of the least environmentally damaging textiles. Unlike synthetic textiles, natural fabrics like linen and cotton reabsorb into the surrounding within a matter of years instead of centuries.

todos , low impact
todos , low impact

Long Last

Our garments are designed to retain shape, hold seam integrity, and become even more comfortable with each wear. We pay attention to make them stay in your wardrobe for a longer time.

Less Waste

We specifically produce small quantities from each design to make them unique and waste-free. Once the initial stock is sold out, we cater to our customers by producing the garment they need within 7 days.

todos , low impact
todos , low impact

Get Crafty

We do our best to make the most from our fabric leftovers. Excess fabric is handy and helpful. Few crafty ladies in need of a better livelihood make interesting accessories with Todos scrap material. This results in less fabric waste, and contribute in lessening landfills.

Be a part in our Less waste Journey

Our Customers can be a part of our less waste journey. Left over fabrics is an option for customers to make their dream clothing pieces to life at a very affordable price.

todos , low impact
todos , low impact

Re-style Re-purpose

From start to finish, we strive to make beautiful products that our customers love and that they will wear for years to come and help them restyle / repurpose when they are done with them. We value our customer feedback to give them what want.


Todos empowers women and supports to uplift their lives by making their today satisfying and tomorrow brighter.

At least 80% of our staff of 30, are the breadwinners, and more than 50% of them have been with Todos for the last 2 years since the company entered the retail space.

todos , low impact
todos , low impact


Todos understands the needs of people and environment and all our processes are defined with due consideration to ethical practices to protect people including women who make our clothing with love.

All employees earn fair wages and are treated with respect. Todos comply and abide by the laws of the Government of Sri Lanka and abides by employee’s Health and Safety regulations going beyond it’s obligation.